Stuck in the Stone Age will be released in March 2018 by Rodale Kids, an imprint of Macmillan Publishing.

Stuck in the Stone Age will be released in March 2018 by Rodale Kids, an imprint of Macmillan Publishing.

Kids get to contribute their own ideas in the Story Pirates’ newest interactive comedy, in which Tom Edison (no relation to that Thomas Edison) and Dr. Marissa Morice return home from a wild adventure in the Stone Age only to discover their time machine has made an unexpected detour.

The thing about time travel is that you never know when you’re going to end up. Sometimes you end up in prehistoric times, like in the new Story Pirates book STUCK IN THE STONE AGE, where two scientists accidentally transport themselves back in time to the age of cavemen and saber-tooth tigers. And sometimes you end up on a stage in front of a huge audience that’s expecting a show, but you’re just a scientist, not an actor, and oh gosh this actually sounds truly terrifying.

A loud zap, a flash of light, and Tom and Marissa appear on stage, reeling from having their bodies flattened into a sheet one atom thick, twisted around itself half a million times, and then put back together exactly as they were before (that’s time travel for you). They soon learn that to fix their machine and return to their own time (annoyingly, only six months in the future, but hey a lot can happen in six months), they will need the help and creativity of kids in the audience.  Throughout the show, audiences learn about the building blocks of a good story, including how to create their own characters and how to give those characters an interesting problem to solve.

With STUCK IN THE STONE AGE, the Story Pirates bring the adventures of Tom and Marissa to life, while simultaneously proving that every kid has a story to tell.

More information on the book can be found HERE.

View the trailer!