Leprechaun Drone Capture Plan/The Invisible Shop (feat. Richie Moriarty)

The gang finds out the truth about why Lee has been pronouncing ‘kefir’ wrong all season long, with a little help from famous NYC superhero Arachno-Boy (Richie Moriarty). Featuring two new stories: “Leprechaun Drone Capture Plan,” a story about the value of detailed preparation, written by Orion, a 9 year old from Canada, and “The Invisible Shop,” a story about entrepreneurship in the invisible world, written by a 10 year old from Michigan named Clara. 

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

Illustration by Camila Franklin

Leprechan Drone Capture Plan

by Orion, age 9, Canada

We could capture a leprechaun by setting up a drone with grass on it and a picnic table and then a door to a cabin that says leprechaun happy place. There is golden wrapped food inside. The door glues shut once it is closed.

The drone takes off. Then it flies to me.

Once I had caught the leprechaun I would take it to the park and put it down a giant slide.

Then let it go.

I would ask it to grant me a wish. I would wish for infinite wishes.

The Invisible Shop

by Clara, age 10, Michigan

Once upon a time 5 minutes ago, Edward C. Boody-Shaker realized that he was invisible by seeing that the toilet paper floating when he was replacing the roll. So Edward decided to go on errands for no reason at all. He made the cashier scream so he left 20 fart bucks on the counter and left. But, one day Edward decided he was gonna open invisible shop for invisible people with invisible items an invisible cash register and invisible doors. He finished in 0.5 seconds because he did not need a store. But then Edward C. Boody-Shaker was so surprised because the invisible health inspector was coming to invisibly inspect his invisible shop. Ed was able to open his invisible shop for invisible people with invisible items with an invisible cash register and invisible doors. Then right when the invisible health inspector was about to come, something terrible happened. A VISIBLE HUMAN CAME (bum bum buuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm) The visible human (bum bum bum) was fortunately was still there when the invisible health inspector got there right as the evil giant rats took over and the visible human (bum bum bum) scared the invisible health inspector into running away screaming and the visible human (bum bum bum) got a coupon from Edward C. Boody-Shaker.

The End

Roll Call Stories

The Queen

by Zoe, age 8, Mississippi

A queen lived in a small town cold Decembert. She wanted it to rain fruit so she told her daughter to throw fruit off the roof. .The fruit was pairs and oranges .It was night she wished on a shooting star .She was so tired her wish was for it to rain fruit the next morning it was raining fruit.They were so happy they ate fruit until their stomachs hurt.

Spinning Robot

by Louis, age 6, Washington

Once upon a time there was a family that lived in a tall house. The family had two moms and three kids: a six year old boy, a four year old boy, and a one year old girl. One day, the oldest boy got a present he always wanted-a robot! The robot had wheels instead of feet and lights instead of eyes. The boy loved the robot and coded the robot to do all kinds of things, like roll around his room, flash his light-eyes, and even move side to side! One day, the boy went to school and left his robot at home. But somehow, while the boy was at school, the boy's two pet cats snuck into the boy's room. While they were in there, the cats caused all kinds of trouble. They messed his bed, clawed his curtains, and then they spotted the robot! The cats were curious and they wanted to code the robot like the boy did. So, the cats went to the coding ipad, but they didn't know how to code! They just stomped all over the ipad with their paws! They accidentally coded the robot to spin in circles for 87 hours! The robot started to spin and spin and spin and spin. The cats were very very hungry, so they got cat food. But later, when the boy came home, he saw the robot still spinning! "Oh no!" he said. "This is crazy! The cats must have done this. This is a little bit too bad. Actually this is so terrible!" The cats were scared that the boy would be upset, but the boy just said "these kitties must have done this. But they are still good. Actually, they are great! I love the kitties." So the boy coded the robot to stop spinning. The End.

The Small Monster Who Doesn’t Know That He is Small

by Shane, age 5, Louisiana

It's about a king monster that is this tiny (🤏) and to him everything is so much smaller than him but he doesn't even know that he's small but all day and all night he is sitting in his throne.

But one day he got out of his throne but he fell down a hole into a dark place but his guards were there and he said “may I please have some pizza?”

And they said “dude there's a table of pizza right there.”

And the king monster said “well I'll just eat all of it” and he did.

And then there was a noise and it was coming from the wall and then a shadow came and it creeped out of the wall. But it was just his wife.

The end.