Baby With a Mustache is adopted by a giant chihuahua (Britt Lower). Featuring two new stories: “The White Color Box,” a song about animals working together to solve a problem, featuring special guest Ana Egge and written by Bihann, a 7 year old from Ontario, and “The Villain Who Couldn’t Villain,” a story about a villain who decides to seek out a healthier work environment, written by an 8 year old from Oregon named Henry.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
The White Color Box (feat. Ana. Egge)
by Bihaan, age 7, Canada
Our adaptation of “The White Color Box” was written by Ana Egge and produced by Jack Mitchell
The Villain Who Couldn’t Villain
by Henry, age 8, Oregon
Once upon a time there was a dark & spooky castle. In the castle lived an evil villain. He was tall and villainous... Well, actually, he wasn't very tall, just 2ft. And he wasn't very villainous or evil. He aspired to be a villain, but the most villainy thing he's ever done is not letting a kind into his ballpit.
He tries to be villainy, but in the end he is just a hero. Let me tell you the story.
Once there was a big city. There was suddenly a dark cloud of smoke for no apparent reason. when the smoke cleared, the people saw a smoke bomb lying on the ground, and 3 of the most sinister villains.
One was the sorceress, wearing black robes and carrying a staff that promised imminent doom.
The second was the beast, furry and striped like a tiger, with razor sharp teeth that could cut through iron like butter.
The third was the robot. Taller than a skyscraper, it could blast rays from its hands,
The superheroes — the Tower Twins, who could grow to the size of towers and wore light green costumes - and the Crimson Cannonball, with his scarlet cape, flying at the speed of light - they were no match for the villains.
The Villain who couldn't villain was watching from above. He decided to join the villain team, but they say to him, "you're just too small and weak. Go back to preschool, small fry." That hurt the Villain who couldn't
Villain's feelings greatly & he decided to join the hero team instead. The Villain Who Couldn't Villain's power was he could turn invisible. The heroes welcomed him in, and w/them he turned invisible, went over to the robot, climbed up his massive metal bulk, and unscrewed his control panel.
It fell open and almost knocked him off. Not knowing what he was doing, he switched wires, pressed buttons, and turned switches.
He also pulled levers and wiggled around
beepies and boppies. He then pressed
"submit" & jumped off. The robot suddenly started doing a terrible representation of the Chicken Dance while simultaneously punching his face and malfunctioning.
One down, two to go.
He next went over to the sorceress and turned her diamond on top of her staff upside down. Then he turned visible and said, "OK sorceress let’s fight!" She wanted and readied her staff. Suddenly, a bolt of energy coursed through her and she lay dead as a doornail.
Next up, the beast. He turned invisible again. He knew he couldn’t beat this gigantic pile of fur, teeth, and danger by fighting, so he tied together the beast's shoelaces. The next time the beast tried to take another thundering step that would shake mountains, he tripped! He was so big and bulky that he fell so hard he cracked his head open.
The new Hero Who Couldn’t Villain was reigned a hero!
The End
Click to Read Original Stories from Other Episodes.
Roll Call Stories
The Evil Shapeshifting Piece of Toast
by Jonah, age 6, Arizona
Once there was a little town and a good warrior lived there and on the other side of the town, an evil shapeshifting piece of toast lived in a cave. Nobody knew that he had an evil scheme. When the good warrior met with the shapeshifting piece of toast, he shapeshifted into his twin brother. He did not know that the shapeshifting piece of toast had locked his brother in the dungeon. Then when he revealed himself, he made an epic battle with the piece of toast. It went on for six hundred years. In the end the good warrior toasted him over the fire with his spear. The End.
Bad Chair
by Sylvie, age 10, Australia
I took a photo of a chair with hard armrests, and this is my story.
Dad: Honey! It’s time to go to school!
Sylvie: Okay Dad!
*Sylvie tries to walk out door*
Sylvie: Owww…owchi…
Chair: Mwahaha!
Dad: Oh no! Sylvie, are you okay?
Sylvie: Yeah, but this chair is evil!
Dad: Oh no! How will we stop it?!
Sylvie: The same thing we always do when a chair turns evil!
Dad: Which is…?
Sylvie: We tie it to a wall and feed it cheese! Duh!
Dad: Okay!
*Dad ties chair to the wall*
Sylvie: I got the cheese!
*Sylvie pushes cheese into chairs mouth*
Chair: Noooo! I’m sorry! I’ll be good! Just please stop!
Dad & Sylvie: Okay!
The end!
The turtle who ran for president
by Jude, age 12, Florida
Once there was a turtle, but this was not a normal turtle. No, this turtle ran for president! One day he was getting ready for his first debate, but because he was turtle he was super, super slow. So slow, he missed the debate!
But not just the debate, he missed the whole presidential term!! Finally, he made it to the debate. But it was 7 years later. Later on, he was elected and became the first animal president. The end.