Glowy and the Friend Adventure/The Big Chance (Feat. Jeremy Sisto)

Illustration by Camilla Franklin

Illustration by Camilla Franklin

Having successfully exited the Earth’s atmosphere, the Story Pirates are greeted by the captain of the Intergalactic Space Friends Alliance (Jeremy Sisto) who comes bearing unique gifts. Featuring two new stories: “Glowy and the Friend Adventure,” a laid-back beach ditty about a whale who needs a friend, written by two brothers from California named Clive and Silas, ages 9 and 7, and “The Big Chance,” the story of a girl who must endure a high stakes test in order to reach her dream of becoming a doctor, written by Isabella, a 10-year-old from Maryland.

Original Stories

Glowy and the Friend Adventure

Clive, age 9 and Silas, age 7, California

Once there was a whale named Glowy. He lived in a luxury cave mansion. He was always happy eating krill pot roasts and playing his Fish Station 4 on his TV. One day Glowy was cleaning his ginormous bathtub when he suddenly felt too small in his mansion. He walked through every room but he felt something was missing. “A friend! That’s what I need! A friend to share my mansion with me,” He said to himself. He quickly ate his krill flakes and swam out of the double doors. Soon he found a sea urchin on a rock. “Would you like to be my friend?” Asked Glowy. “Eek!” Said the sea urchin. He was scared of Glowy’s size. “Oh well,” thought Glowy, and he swam away. Then he found a fish. “Will you be my friend?” Asked Glowy. “Eek!” said the fish. He was afraid of Glowy’s booming voice. “This is harder than I thought,” said Glowy. Now he was swimming toward arctic waters. Then he found a narwhal. “Can you be my friend?” Asked Glowy. “Sure” said the narwhal and they lived happily ever after.

Our adaptation of “Glowy and the Friend Adventure” was written by Ellen Winter and produced by Brendan O’Grady with vocal arrangements by Ellen Winter and Jack Mitchell with vocal direction by Jack Mitchell

The Big Chance

Isabella, age 10, Maryland

The big chance

Our chance is here, the time has come...




“We have worked so hard!” Said peter. “Ya!, I think I Speak for all of us, when I say, we can’t wait to become doctors, people need  to start listening to us, we have knowledge too!” I yelled with happiness. People stared at me like I was crazy but everyone else who I was about to become doctors thought I was the person who will change the world in the industry of doctors, and will find more information about the anatomy of the human body. But then the big bad wolf (AKA) Dr.Phillip Michelle Miguelito Choliotez, he has a very VERY long name I hate him! But back to the story. “Well, well, well looky here we have Never doctor Lotus, Never Doctor Menchilo,  and Never Ever Doctor Luigi. BUT I can’t forget Dr. Rubin or should I say Dr. Isabella Wella-Umbrella, YOU will never ever become a doctor EVER! Bye-bye never ever doctors-noctors. HAHA!” Said Dr. Phillip Michelle Miguelito Choliotez. “Whoa, he going to ruin our chance to become our dream, A DOCTOR! I thought    

            Well, here it is. Our “Big Chance” to become a doctor, Well our test a-waits. “Dr. Isabella Rubin it is your turn for your test! “I was so nervous! I couldn’t talk, how can I answer questions” I thought. 

“No, I can’t do this”

“What if I don’t pass” 

“Dr. Phillip Michelle Miguelito Choliotez is right I can’t do it”

“I am a loser” I thought. 

“NO, I am not a loser”

“I will pass”

“I can do this”

“I am NOT nervous”

“I am invincible!”

That was all I thought for 2 mins. “Isabella, Isabella, ISABELLA!” Said the Test Guy. Oh I was so nervous, but I was trying to stay strong! “Maybe I am thinking to hard” I thought. “Okay Isabella it is time to take you test, first part of your test is the paper portion. 

Name: Isabella Rubin____________________________________   12 POINTS 

How much does the human skeleton weigh?  

The human body weighs as much as a car tyre. ——————————————————



More information

The human skeleton is only half ,sometimes not even a half of the weight in the human body.


Someone hurt their arm, it is not sanificlay bruised. It hurts the child a lot if you touch it, if she moves it, and if any weight touches it. What should you do? 

You ask what happened touch both arms to see if they feel the same and where it hurts the most. Then get a x-ray. If it is broken then put a cast on it or if it needs surgery then put a temporary cast on. If it is just a fracture then put a cast or a brace. If it is a sprain then put a brace on it. If it is a twist put either ice or a brace on it, if it is a bruise then put ice or a brace on it. 

“Um Mr. Test Man I finished my paper portion of the test.” I said. “Okay, I’ll come get it and check it, if you get one question wrong then that would be 2 points off!” Said the test Man. “Mmm, uh-ha-uh-ha. Okay you got 0 questions wrong which means you get 12 points!” Said the test Man in misery.  “Yay!” I thought ( I didn’t really scream, in my head I screamed). “Next is the….. P.P.O.T.A.O.T.H.B. Or the Paper Portion of the Anatomy of the Human Body.” Said the test man. “Here is your paper” said the test man. 

You probably don’t want to see this test, it is like the other one, but different. So I am NOT going to show this test. 


So that was a weird test. The test man said something about a test on fake patients?! LOL it sounded so weird when he said it! Anyways…Back to the story! 

“Follow me, Isabella, and we will see how you do out this window, that looks like a black board. OH! But you can write on the whiteboard, just keep that in mind and we will be watching you, always watching your tests….” said the Test Man. 

            “Okay let’s see here… Mmm on this list it appears to say that Jackteo-po is my first patient Okay ummm, here Jackteo-po. Hi, I am Dr.Isabella, I will be helping you through out the time you will be here! Now I believe your name is Jackteo-po, now what is the reason why you come, and how did you hurt your arm?” I asked. “I came because I hurt my arm, by playing on a zipline in a place I do not remember what the place is called” Said Jackteo-po in Misery. “ Mmmm, okay. Can I feel your arm?” I said. “Sure, you can feel them I hope you can’t feel my misery of pain…” Wailed Jackteo-po. 

I started feeling his back, because it is hurt I carefully touched it, I felt a lot of bumps and things that shouldn’t be their, so I decide to take him to a X-ray and a MRI scan. As I looked at his MRI scan and and his X-ray, I find that he shattered his arm and has ripped a ligament! So I scheduled a emergency appointment for today right now. 

We are in the operating room and we just put him under an anesthetic and we just started his surgery. 

2 hours later…..  

He is finished with his surgery! He should wake up soon! Never mind he just woke up! I asked him “how you are feeling” Jackteo-po said “fine” I got his parents in and he is ready to go home! 

Suddenly I hear clapping and cheering and I look at the board and a light turns on, I can see the test guy and he walks over to me and says “Good job” “you passed your test!” “Wow” I was amazed! They gave me a doctor suit and a surgeons clothing too! Then they gave me my License to be a Doctor/surgeon! I can’t believe it! 




Season 2 Posters

Celebrate the new season of the Story Pirates podcast with some new decor for the kids’ rooms! Our season 2 poster features all of the art from all of last season’s episodes. Order yours in our store today!

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