Cucumbers 4 Life/The Family of Cows

Illustration by Camilla Franklin

Illustration by Camilla Franklin

The Story Pirates throw a pool party on a new water planet, revealing a multiplicity of surprises. Featuring two new stories: “Cucumbers 4 Life,” a country song about vegetables and heavy metal, by Imogen, a 9-year-old from the UK, and “The Family of Cows,” a shape-shifting saga on the farm, by an 8-year-old from Mississippi named Lydian.

Plus…find out how to become a part of our new, exclusive Creator Club for more from the Story Pirates and fun surprises year-round here!

Original Stories

Cucumbers 4 Life

Imogen, age 9, The UK

Once upon a time, there was an ice-cream van and it played a nice tune every day, even on cold days!

But one day, the ice-cream man drank pickle juice and turned into a cucumber and only sold cucumber sticks!

Meanwhile, in Munch Town, Imogen heard the news and was overjoyed!

She raced over to Do-Dip Street (population 3), because of the cucumber!!!!!

Then she heard it….


She felt sorry for the Cucumber man because he had no customers, so Imogen built a cucumber truck that ran on pickled juice and was made of cucumber, but she made two so she could eat one. It looked like a giant cucumber! A big cucumber! And it played hard rock and death metal. Its name was…




And only Imogen lived happily ever after.

The end!

Our adaptation of “Cucumbers 4 Life” was written by Andrew Butler and produced by Brendan O’Grady with vocal direction by Jack Mitchell.

The Family of Cows

Lydian, age 8, Mississippi

Once upon a time there lived a family of chickens. There lived a rooster (Robert) and a hen (Emily). 

It was a sunny day in Louisiana. Emily had a lot of eggs. Robert said, “I should tell all those weird creatures with no feathers or wings or beaks that you have so many eggs. Robert pecked on the wall of the coop. The farmer came into their house, the coop. He shooed Emily off her nest.

“Why in the heck wood ya shoo me of ma own nest?!” squawked Emily.

The farmer saw four eggs laying in the nest. He reached in for an egg. Robert angrily pecked at the farmer. The farmer fell. Just then there was a crrrrraaaack. The farmer jumped up with anger. 

“That’s what ya get for stealin’ an egg from me!” Emily said. 

The farmer looked into the nest. There was a cracked eggshell and a baby chick next to it! Robert peeked in and saw the chick. He immediately said that his name was Bo. Then the farmer grabbed the other three eggs and ran for his life. 

5 days later

Bo woke up late that day. “Why do those featherless beasts take all ma eggs?” – asked Emily. 

Just then in walked a witch with short hair and a bucket on her head. She whirled her wand 5 times and out of the chickens came out three cows. 

Emily said: “Ma udder is hurtin’.”

Robert mooed at the witch. The witch took the bucket off her head, and squeezed the milk into it. “Moo-aha-ha-ha-haaaa!” thundered the witch who turned out to be the farmer. The farmer took off running, but Robert took off running after him, rammed him on his back, and bucked him off.

“But why does he steal ma’ milk all the time?” Emily asked. 

And they all lived happily ever after. 

Creator Club

Want more from the Story Pirates? For the first time ever, we’re looking for ways to connect with and reward our biggest fans and friends with our brand new Creator Club coming VERY SOON. Sign up below to be the first to find out when you can join!

Draw Loofah

Help Loofah find her look! Like all of the inhabitants of her home planet, Loofah resembles a loofah... you know, like the sponge you might use for showering. But... Loofah is shape-shifting, and of course, her face can change based on her mood. Loofah wants to see how YOU picture her when you listen to the episodes while she chooses a more permanent look. Encourage your kids to be as creative and silly as they want, and draw Loofah how they see her. You can post your kids' drawings on Twitter or Instagram with #DrawLoofah by November 26th. If your profile is private, send us a message or we'll miss it! Drawings will be judged by Story Pirates artist, Camilla Franklin and the winner will gain access into our brand new creators club!

Season 2 Posters

Celebrate the new season of the Story Pirates podcast with some new decor for the kids’ rooms! Our season 2 poster features all of the art from all of last season’s episodes. Order yours in our store today!

season 2 poster.jpg