One Little Pink Rose/I Lost My Tooth In Hollywood

When Peter gets stuck in a time loop, his most precious snacks are put in jeopardy. Featuring two new stories: “One Little Pink Rose,” an empowering rocker about a flower who learns to stand tall, by a 9 year old from Tennessee named Zoey, and “I Lost My Tooth In Hollywood,” the dramatic tale of a tooth who finds fame but never forgets their roots, by Alice, an 8 year old from California.

Original Stories

Illustration by Camilla Franklin

Illustration by Camilla Franklin

One Little Pink Rose

Zoey, Age 9, Tennessee

Once upon a time there was a rose. The roses Pinky. Pinky went to a school called Red Rose. Her parents did not know that the whole school had red roses inside.And Pinky was the only pink rose. I feel so embarrassed, Pinky said softly.There has to be some way to not feel like this.So she thought and thought and she finally thought of an idea!She talked to everybody in the school.She forgot all about her great idea! She thought alot but she couldn't think of anything! Every rose was laughing. But Pinky knew she had to stand up for herself,so she said,Listen up my name is Pinky Mary Rose and I don't care what you roses say I can stand up for myself. Everybody started chanting,Pinky,Pinky. THE END

I Lost My Tooth in Hollywood

Alice, Age 7, California

While cammy is writing a note to the toothfairy her tooth is becoming famous. Her tooth was walking down the street in Hollywood and then a director sees the tooth and says “there you are! you should be in the studio. your break is over”.He gives a script to the tooth and takes cammy’s tooth to a studio.Her tooth sells 100 movies and they all get sold out. her tooth is so famous.One day cammy is watching T.V. and sees her tooth. Her milk comes out of her nose in surprise! Cammy screams “I should buy tickets for a live studio audience.” Her dad yells back “what is happening?!” cammy says “my tooth is on T.V.” The next day she Goes to the show. During the show everyone is laughing.She was surprised and didn’t know how to feel. also she was weirded out that her tooth is on T.V..At the end of the show the tooth gave autographs. cammy got in line and met her tooth.Cammy says “I remember were my baby tooth”. Her tooth says. “You look different without me in your mouth”.Her tooth says “I could make you a movie star”.Cammy says “okay lets be movie stars.” and they become movie stars together and bestfriends.

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